Wednesday, August 13, 2014

No B. S. Hiring Advice: How Do You Evaluate Your Recruiting Sources

Show as Much Care to Your Choices As You Do to Other Purchases

I bought an SUV last year after we moved to Pennsylvania. I wasn’t sure what to buy, so I went on the web, looked at a variety of guides, read reviews from existing owners, examined price at different dealers, found the best price in my area, then looked at service contracts and what the best price was I could get for one before I walked into the dealer’s showroom.
All the stories about customers going into the sales office and getting "snowed" into overspending didn’t happen to me because I learned what I wanted in advance, and shopped for the best price in the two places where I would be charged—the car and the service contract.
When the dealer heard my counteroffer on their service contract price, they asked how I determined that amount. I answered, “It’s $50 over your cost and the fact is, I’m going to come in here for service anyway so you might as well collect the money from me.”
When most companies agree to have a recruiter work on helping them fill their jobs, most know far less about the recruiter than I did about my SUV. They select the recruiter because: